Saturday, June 5, 2010


-TREE- (ver.1)

I'm often called a TREE because i'm strong like a tree.
I've had dates 5th times.
But, actually i have someone who i loved very much.

She is an ordinary girl. She is not pretty and sexy.
She is look like another girl.

But, she is open-minded, honest, tough, smart, and looks like her indeed.

Why i didn't ask her to have date with me?

Because she's not match with me.

I'm affraid if my friends saw us, they will laugh to me.
But, i know that actually she loves me.

I know she always cried because of me.
When i broke up with my girlfriend and have date with another girl, she looks upsad.

And then, love fullfill my heart.

I don't care if my friends laugh to me.

I tried to be close with her.
But, she was in a relationship with a guy.

What should i do?

And then, i just said "congrats" to her.
Even if my heart was broken.
I couldn't do anything. Everything was too late.

LEAF will fly because the WIND blows her up
the TREE don't ask her to stay?"

-LEAF- (ver.2)

I love to see leaves because LEAF needs alot of strength to leave the tree.
I loved a guy since i was in a high school.
He is my friend, my bestfriend.
When he has a date with a girl, for the first time, i was jealous.
I loved him, and he looked like in love with me.
But, he didn't ask me to have date with him.
and it took along time.
I'm hopeless.

But, suddenly there was a guy,
who came to me and ask me to have date with him.
He is funny, smart, open-minded, kindness, and patient.
He is tough and never gave up on me.
He loves me. He really do.

Then, i started to open my heart for him,
because he's like a smooth WIND who tried to blow me up to leave the TREE.
When my bestfriend-who i loved- knew that there was a guy who tried to get my heart,
he was in silent.
The tree didn't ask me to stay.
Finally, i went away with a WIND.

"LEAF will fly because the WIND blows her up
or the TREE don't ask her to stay?"

-WIND- (ver.3)

I'm often called the WIND because i'd loved to make my friends fresh.
I love a girl at this moment.
She is like another girl.
She's not sexy or glamour.
But, she's really beautiful for me.
She is so tough and wont to be like another girl.
I love her. I don't know how can i loved her.
I never talk to her.
But, i think, love has no reason,
because love has no logic.

But, actually she loves another guy.
He's often called a TREE because he's known a strength guy, like a tree.
But, he don't love her.
He never ask her to have date with him.
She was so disappointed. Her heart was broken.

I try to be close with her.
I'm so faithful and never give up on her.
Wish i could get her heart.
I hope i could made her belong to me.

One night, i nade a phone with her.
"what should i do? i want you to see me, i want you to turn around and look at me. I've lost my mind to make you look at me and try to open you heart for me."

She was in silent at a minute.
I'm so hopeless.
But, she answerd me,
"Don't! Don't try to find a way to get my heart. it's no necessary."
she said,"It's no necessary. Because i've seen you. I've looked at you. I wanna trough it all with you."

I was in shocked.
I'm the person who feel so happy because i've got her heart already.
I ended my phone call and ran to get her.

"LEAF will fly because the WIND blows her up
or the TREE don't ask her to stay?"

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